Being obedient to Jesus, and His command in Mark 16: 15–20, to go into all the World and preach the Gospel to every creature.
Growing and maturing in our relationship with God, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word, according to Ephesians 3: 14-21
Embracing the Biblical Imperative of Matthew 25:35, by reaching out to the homeless and the destitute, and feeding the hungry and the poor.
Declaring God’s Truth to the nations and to our generation, and to the generations to come, according to Matthew 5:13-16.

God Needs Us to Reach the World Together Partnership with Faith Worx Family is about more than just giving to a ministry. It’s a covenant and a joining together in faith, and it’s being a part of something bigger than yourself. Partnership allows you to reach far beyond your personal sphere of influence, so that you are impacting people all over the world. Just like God called people alongside Jesus and the Apostle Paul to reach the world with the good news, God calls people alongside modern-day ministries, so as many people as possible can know about overwhelming victory and blessing they can have in Jesus. When you partner with the Faith Worx Family, not only are you joining with us and a Global Community – but we all are joining with you! When we all stand together in partnership, our individual anointings, giftings and missions combine and become one. Suddenly, your ministry isn’t restricted to just your family, friends and neighborhood – It’s expanded to the entire world. Every life that’s touched is a life we reach together!